Manuscript should be presented in the following order: Title page, Abstracts, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgment, References, Tables and Figures legends. Designations, titles, academic qualifications, and institutions of all the authors must be clearly indicated on the title page. The postal address, e-mail and telephone number of the corresponding author must also be indicated in the lower portion of the title page. Title should not be more than 15-20 words. Abstracts should be structured; not be more than 200 words. Key words must consist of four to six words. Appropriate position of figures and tables in the text should be indicated. The orders of tables and figures should be in Roman figure e.g. (Table II). Tables should be devoid of lines in rows. International acceptable nomenclature and unit of scientific measurement, System International (SI) should be used. No sentence should begin with Arabic numerals.

Authors are responsible for accuracy of all references in the text. Only indispensable references should be used. Citation in the text should appear as consecutive numbers in superscript after the punctuations. All the cited references should be listed serially at the end of the paper using the format in index medicus in accordance with Vancouver convention style of referencing. The full title of the article or book and the first and last page numbers of the particular paper or chapter should be given. The name of the journal should be abbreviated according to the style used in index medicus.

Examples of references are:

  1. Journal articles: Adeyemi FT. Pattern of end stage renal diseases in children. NigJMedPrac1977; 4:30-35
  2. Books: Kosofe GA, Audu DB, Clement CR. Textbook of Endocrinology. Ilorin: Al-Fattah (Publishers), 2010: 786-908.
  3. Chapter in a Book: Martins BT. Pulmonary tuberculosis. In: Textbook of Chest Medicine in the Tropics. Jimmy DB, ed. Chester Croker (Publishers), London, 1967: 25-30 3.